Weaving files

Files are assembled by the weave goal, which by default is bound to the generate-sources phase. By default, output files are produced in the ${project.build.target} directory, but you can specify another with the outputPath element.

You can specify strings to be interpolated into the output by keywords using the properties element. This will apply to all files produced under a given configuration of the plugin, unless overridden by the configuration for an individual file.

Files (output elements)

To produce output, configure one or more output elements. Each output element represents one output file. You must specify a name and a parts element. You may specify an outputPath and a properties as well, or let these default from the overall plugin configuration. The resulting file will be outputPath/name.

The list of output elements is enclosed in a single outputs element.

Concatenating parts into files (part elements)

The parts element contains a list of part elements, each of which specifies a source of text to be copied to the output file. A part may contain a text or a path element, but not both.

Literal parts (text elements)

A text element encloses literal text to be copied to the output. Property references such as ${project.version} will be interpolated as usual. By default the part will end with a newline, but you may suppress that by adding a nonl element to the enclosing part.

Other files as parts (path elements)

A path element refers to a file path. The designated file will be copied to the output. Property references will be interpolated if they match keys in the plugin or file properties elements; project properties are not matched, but can be interpolated into properties to be passed through to the copy operation.

An example

          <part><text>debug = true</text></part>